David Stern part 8: The Sonics

Consider l’affaire Sonics: The 2008 “move” (theft) of the Supersonics franchise from the city of Seattle to Oklahoma City. (The basic story is covered in this wikipedia article as well as a recent deep dive in Luminary’s podcast Sonic Boom. I’m going to assume you’re roughly familiar with the outline: Starbucks billionaire CEO Howard Schultz… Continue reading David Stern part 8: The Sonics

Categorized as David Stern

David Stern part 6: An extra large satin piece of the puzzle

Defector has a fantastic article this week from writer Keith Paradise titled The Rise And Fall Of Starter, The Coolest Company On Earth. Starter, of course, was an early maker of licensed sports apparel. Those awesome “satin” warmup jackets were their most famous product. (If you don’t subscribe just pay the $10 to read this… Continue reading David Stern part 6: An extra large satin piece of the puzzle

David Stern part 4: The DelCo files and the plane ticket scandal

Somewhere at the intersection of Pac-12 sports and David Stern is this particular forgotten 2013 scandal: Ed Rush forced to resign after bounty comments. Ed Rush was the head of basketball officiating for the Pac-12. Before a game he told a group of officials that he was putting a bounty out to reward whomever would… Continue reading David Stern part 4: The DelCo files and the plane ticket scandal

On the matter of David Stern

David Stern died just over two years ago. If someone wrote the obituary he deserved I did not see it. They have all fallen on a spectrum between “breathless hagiography” and “chin-stroking encomium”. Let us summon the Advocatus Diaboli. Let us dig up the old pope. The truth demands it. Future generations take note. If… Continue reading On the matter of David Stern