command line params

For too long I’ve been letting the main executable limp along in “developer mode,” where you have to edit the file to change some params. I bit the bullet and read up on python3 argument parsing and of course it wasn’t that bad. Here’s the diff. I used the argparse module, billed in the official… Continue reading command line params

Categorized as code

MCC Gameday is going to San Diego

I have probably spent about 17 minutes of my life total actually watching College Gameday and many hours reading commentary and reaction about where they have picked the next site to be. Not surprisingly, I find a semi-arbitrary third-party decision awarding some trivial crown based on week-to-week results and behind-the-scenes intrigue compelling. Before we get… Continue reading MCC Gameday is going to San Diego

Categorized as results

1958 Cal vs. Pacific

It’s an inescapable fact of California (the state) football that the last time California (the school) went to a Rose Bowl was January 1, 1959. (There was some unpleasantness in 2004.) Since that 1958 season was something of a high water mark for Cal surely they must have won the Mythical California Cup that year… Continue reading 1958 Cal vs. Pacific

Utah has a boot

Very excited to learn about the Beehive Boot, a physical trophy awarded for “instate football supremacy among Division I FBS universities from the state of Utah.” There are only three such teams so it’s nowhere near as exciting as our Mythical California Cup. But it does have a boot. (BYU has wrapped it up this… Continue reading Utah has a boot